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Traumatherapie Harald Futschig



A new way to work WITH Trauma - not against it 

Trauma is a coping mechanism of the body to protect against serious physical illness. This must fundamentally be taken into account in trauma therapy. This protective space needs to experience appreciation & recognition. The body created trauma benevolently in its self-empowerment as a coping strategy. It is about looking at what the trauma protects against and what patterns, beliefs and experiences the client has had. In this holistic approach you would not work against trauma but WITH it. And when the time is right, the trauma can be integrated. 

Shaman Nitu deals with his clients mainly in German language. 


"Trauma is the body's survival strategy. Appreciative and loving interaction is fundamental."

Trauma is a protective mechanism of the body to protect against serious physical illness. This must fundamentally be taken into account in trauma therapy. This protective space initially experiences appreciation and recognition. Because the body created it benevolently in its self-empowerment as a coping strategy. It is about lovingly looking at what the trauma protects against and what patterns, beliefs and experiences the client has had.


The primary goal is not to immediately resolve the trauma, but rather to see what lies behind the body's protective mechanisms.

If you were to resolve the trauma immediately, you would ruthlessly deprive the body of its protective mechanism and it would become ill sooner or much later.

So it's about the right time to resolve the trauma and the basic loving attitude.


In dealing with the consequences of trauma, he can provide excellent support to his clients' bodies with various therapies - color acupuncture, foot reflex zones, craniosacral, etc.


Through his deep knowledge of spiritual medicine, energy medicine and as a shaman, Nitu accompanies his clients in a truly holistic approach. Trauma is not an opponent, but leads to the deep core of the original cause. Trauma is an important part of the body's ability to heal itself. If you work with trauma, you work with nature - and then - only then can it be integrated.


His clients are overwhelmed by this unique method. 

Traumatherapie Harald Futschig
Inneneinrichtung im Zen-Stil


Satori is the origin of being.  Satori represents a moment of insight in which a deep understanding of the nature of reality arises.

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