Satori is the Japanese word for "the origin of all being".
Here are the roots for Nitu's holistic and comprehensive approach to advising, treating and healing his clients - sourcing from 20 years of experience & drawing for a myriad of therapeutic and healing tools. He will bring out the divine healer that lies within you.
Larissa K.
After seeing various psychotherapists for 8 years because of my traumatic experience, I finally met shaman Nitu. Within a few sessions I felt significantly better and felt seen and my story. I can just tell him anything. With his holistic approaches, he can support me so well in processing and integrating my trauma. I am so incredibly grateful.
Peter J.
I am a successful managing director of a medium-sized company. I have been using shaman Nitu as a consultant for years - because his perspective always brings valuable ideas that I would never have thought of myself.
Lisa D.
After being diagnosed with endometriosis and thrown into a medical machine, I hit the stop button. I didn't want to have children like that. With shaman Nitu I was able to look at the illness holistically and solve my mother-related issues. The endometriosis was a sign and I could read it through shaman Nitu's bridge. We will see in further treatment whether I can have children. But what has definitely changed is the source of the desire and how I deal with it. I am very grateful for that.

Satori is the origin of being. Satori represents a moment of insight in which a deep understanding of the nature of reality arises.
The shaman Nitu, a native of central Germany, is a seasoned counsellor, navigator and therapist. For over twenty years he has successfully employed an integrated comprehensive approach to advising, treating and healing clients. Drawing from a myriad of therapeutic and healing tools originating from conventional as well as traditional sources, he tailors his unique approach to individual needs.
He supports his clients on their individual journey and offers as a navigator and inspiring adviser life and project consulting for men and women, couple therapy, consulting and somatic immersion on sexual wellbeing, treatments in women's health including fertility matters.
As father of 4 kids, he is also an expert in approaching children, teens and entire family systems.
Nito deals with his clients mainly in German language.
sports medicine
energy & spiritual medicine
expert in bioenegretic therapies
master of traditional and classic chinese medicine
zen master
fire shaman
somatic healing: acupuncture, color acupuncture, acupressure, shiatsu, craniosacral, foot reflex zones, manual therapy, ayurveda practicioner, kinesiologist
Master student in traditional African midwifery and gynecology
kryia yoga teacher
tantric yoga teacher & expert in tantric massages
shidoshi in Tai Chi and Qi Gong
bushido warrior, sensai 3. dan
expertise in philosophical anthropology and mystic
offspring of the great composer and musician Julius Fucík